deep in the net

Posts tagged “resto

I’m only sleeping

Some random pictures taken with my analog cameras in the Friters Lovers Tour HDA-WSDM Paris to Belgium, with Turbo, 3615, Povre, Benzo and the other we meet during the trip like Resto, Cowboy…
I want to remember this because of the trespassing of our friend Turbo.
It’s sad, but I want to keep all good moments we had, strong emotions in south America, lot of fun painting, lot of drinks, lots of parties with la família…

Go in peace, keep having fun, you’re immortal!
Papi Turbo forever young!

Good bye!

Turbo.HDA.CE 1971-2012



Gent (resto – dolls)

Apes in Barcelona

Camps de Tarragona


summer flicks with smena

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